Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text

You can enter text in many different languages, including several different writing systems for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, using the international keyboards available on your Mac. Pages provides some language-specific text-formatting features, including emphasis styles, list styles, and phonetic guides. The formatting options that are available depend on the language you’re using.

For best results, use these recommended fonts:

  • Simplified Chinese: Heiti SC

  • Traditional Chinese: Heiti TC

  • Korean: Apple Gothic

  • Japanese: Hiragino Kaku Gothic for sans serif fonts or Hiragino Mincho for serif fonts

These instructions assume you enabled at least one Chinese, Japanese, or Korean keyboard. To enable international keyboards, open System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Input Sources.

Add Chinese, Japanese, or Korean emphasis marks

You can add emphasis marks that are commonly used with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text. For example, using a Chinese keyboard, you can apply Boten dots below or above the text, or a wavy underline. With Japanese text you can add plain dots or sesame dots.

  1. Switch your keyboard to a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean keyboard.

  2. Select Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text (one or more characters), then click Style in the Format inspector.

  3. To apply a formatting mark to the selected text, click a button in the Style pane of the Format inspector.

    The formatting options that are available depend on the current keyboard.

Use a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean list style

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean list styles can be applied to a list written in any language. The changes affect only the bullets or the numbering system.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • For a list with English text, type the first item in the list (for example, 1 or A).

    • For a list with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text, switch your keyboard to the language you want, then type the first item in the list (for example, 가).

  2. Enter a period or parenthesis followed by a space.

  3. Enter the first list item, then click Return.

    Pages automatically detects that you’re typing a list. You can continue using a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean keyboard to finish your list.

  4. If you’re entering a list with English text but a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean list style, click a list style in the Style pane of the Format inspector.

    The styles available depend on which keyboards are enabled.

Provide a phonetic guide alongside text

If you have a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean keyboard enabled for your Mac or iOS device, you can apply phonetic guides to words written in any language even if you don’t use any of these keyboards.

  1. Select the text, (one or more characters).

    Don’t include any trailing paragraph breaks or punctuation in your selected text.

  2. Control-click the selected text then choose Phonetic Guide Text from the shortcut menu.

    You can also choose Format > Phonetic Guide Text (from the Format menu at the top of your computer screen).

    A phonetic guide appears with the selected text.

  3. To change the phonetic guide text, choose one of the options.

    The phonetic options depend on which keyboards are enabled.

  4. Click anywhere outside the Phonetic Guide Text window to apply the text you chose and close the window.

Change or remove phonetic guide text

After you add phonetic guide text, you can change its language or remove it.

  1. Click the word with phonetic guide text, then choose Phonetic Guide Text from the shortcut menu.

    You can also select the word, then choose Format > Phonetic Guide Text (from the Format menu at the top of your computer screen).

  2. Enter the text you want to use, or choose one of the options.

    The phonetic options presented depend on which keyboards are enabled.

  3. To remove the guide text, click Remove.

You can also double-click the text, then edit it; the phonetic guide text is automatically removed.