Set paper size and orientation
Most Pages templates are created for standard paper sizes in portrait (vertical) orientation. You can…

Add, delete, and rearrange pages
You add, delete, and rearrange pages differently depending on whether your document is a page…

Set margins
You can adjust document margins at any time. You can use the ruler to quickly…

Change the flow of text
Text in a document flows automatically from one page to the next or from one…

Convert the document type
Pages templates are designed specifically for creating either page layout documents or word-processing documents. In…

Add headers, footers, and page numbers
You can add headers and footers that appear on every page, or hide headers or…

Create sections
A document can contain one or more sections. You may want to add a section,…

Add a background color and border
You can add color to the background of a paragraph that extends from margin to…

Align text
and adjust spacing You can use tab stops to align text. When you press the…

View formatting marks and layout
Formatting marks (called invisibles) are added every time you press the Space bar, Tab, or…