Anchor objects to the page or to text
An object is any item you place on a page. Photos, shapes, charts, and text…

Add and edit images
You can add photos and graphics to a document from your iPhoto or Aperture library,…

Add and edit shapes
After you add a shape to a page, you can customize the shape in a…

Add lines and arrows
You can create a straight or curved line then customize its appearance by changing its…

Add video and audio
You can add video from your iPhoto or Aperture library or from your Movies folder,…

Add a caption to an object
You can add a caption or label to images, tables, shapes, and other objects. You…

Add and align text in an object
You can add text inside a shape, text box, or table cell, then align it…

Place objects in the background
You can add text, watermarks, logos, or other images that appear in the same place…

Change the look of an object
You can customize an object by adding a border, color, shadow, and more. Change the…

Use object styles
A quick way to change an object’s appearance is to apply an object style to…