Add and edit images
You can add photos and graphics to a document from your iPhoto or Aperture library, or drag them from a website or from the Finder. You can crop an image by masking out parts you don’t want, and make adjustments to its background and exposure.
Add an image
Do any of the following:
Drag an image from the Finder or a webpage onto the page or onto a placeholder image.
Click Media
in the toolbar, then drag an image from your iPhoto or Aperture library.
You can click the magnifying glass to search for an image in your iPhoto or Aperture library.
in the bottom-right corner of an image placeholder, then select the image you want to add.
Mask (crop) a photo
Masking is a way to hide unwanted portions of an image without modifying the image itself. Use the mask controls to frame just the parts of the image you want to be visible.
Double-click the image.
The mask controls appear. The default mask is the same size as your image.
Use the controls to change which parts of the image are visible.
Click Done.
You can reset the mask at any time by double-clicking the image to reveal the cropping controls. Or, you can select the image, then click Edit Mask in the Image pane of the Format inspector.
Remove background and other elements from a photo
Use the Instant Alpha tool to make parts of an image transparent. This feature is useful for removing an unwanted background or color from an image.
Select the image.
In the Image pane of the Format inspector, click Instant Alpha.
On the image, click the color you want to remove, then drag slowly over it (as you drag, the selection grows to include areas that use similar colors).
Remove all of the color (even in other parts of the image): Press the Option key as you drag.
Add a color back to the image: Press the Shift key as you drag.
Click Done, or click Reset to restore the image to its original state.
Adjust exposure, saturation, and other image settings
Select the image.
In the Image pane of the Format inspector, use the controls to make adjustments:
Exposure: Changes the overall lightness or darkness of the entire image.
Saturation: Changes the richness of color in the image. Dragging to the right makes the colors richer or more vibrant.
Enhance: Automatically adjusts the image by spreading the red, green, and blue tones evenly across the histogram.
To see the image histogram and adjust more advanced features like levels, gamma, temperature, and tint, click
To restore the original settings, click Reset Image.
Tip: You can add these buttons to the toolbar: Adjust Image, Instant Alpha, and Mask. You can also open the Adjust Image pane in a separate window that you can move anywhere. Choose View > Show Adjust Image (from the View menu at the top of your computer screen).