Add video and audio
You can add video from your iPhoto or Aperture library or from your Movies folder, and set Pages to automatically optimize movies for iOS. You can also add audio from iTunes to your document.
Note: Audio and video files must be in a format QuickTime supports. If you can’t add a file, first try using iMovie, QuickTime Player, or Compressor to convert the file to a supported format. For more information, go to Media formats supported by QuickTime Player.
Add video or audio
Do any of the following:
Drag a media file from the Finder to anywhere on the page, or to a media placeholder.
Click Media
in the toolbar, select Photos, Music, or Movies, then drag the file to place it anywhere on the page, or to a placeholder.
You can click the magnifying glass to search for media.
Adjust media playback
Select the audio or video file on the page.
In the Movie or Audio pane of the Format inspector, drag the Volume slider to adjust the playback volume.
Click the disclosure triangle next to Edit Audio or Edit Movie, then drag the Trim slider to change the length of the audio or video.
Choose an option from the Repeat pop-up menu:
None: Media plays one time, then stops.
Loop: Media plays continuously on the page until you move to the next page.
Loop Back and Forth: Media plays forward, then plays backward. The media continues to play forwards and backwards until the page changes.
Optimize movies for iOS
You can set a preference in Pages to automatically convert movies in your document to H.264 (720 p) so they play on iOS devices.
Choose Pages > Preferences (from the Pages menu at the top of your computer screen).
Click General, then select the checkbox next to “Optimize movies for iOS.”