Add and rearrange table rows and columns
There are three types of rows and columns in a table:
Header rows and columns are optional and are used for labels identifying what each row and column contains. Data in header cells isn’t used in formulas. A table can have up to five header rows and five header columns.
Body rows and columns contain table data. A table must contain at least one body row and column.
Footer rows appear at the bottom of a table.
If a table extends onto multiple pages, you can set the header rows so that they appear at the top of the table on each page.
Add and remove columns and rows
Click the table, then do any of the following:
Add or remove columns on the right side of the table: Click
, then click an arrow to increase or decrease the number of columns.
Add or remove rows on the bottom of the table: Click
, then click an arrow to increase or decrease the number of rows.
Add a row or column anywhere in the table: Control-click a cell, then choose where you want to add the row or column (above, below, before, or after the selected cell).
You can also move the pointer over the numbered or lettered bar for the row or column next to where you want to add, click the down arrow, then choose where to add the row or column.
Delete a row or column anywhere in the table: Control-click a cell in the row or column you want to delete, then choose Delete Row or Delete Column.
You can also move the pointer over the numbered or lettered bar for the row or column you want to delete, click the down arrow, then choose Delete Row or Delete Column.
Select rows and columns
Click the table.
A lettered bar appears above the columns and a numbered bar appears to the left of the rows.
Do any of the following:
Select a single row or column: Click the bar for the row or column you want to select.
Select multiple rows or columns: Click the bar for a row or column, then drag a selection handle (a white dot) to encompass the rows or columns you want.
Command-click row or column bars to select discontiguous rows or columns.
Move rows and columns within a table
Select one or more rows or columns, then do either of the following:
Move rows: Click and hold the numbered bars for the rows so they appear to lift off the table, then drag above or below another row.
Move columns: Click and hold the lettered bars for the columns so they appear to lift off the table, then drag to the right or left of another column.
Tip: If you drag rows or columns outside of an existing table, you create a new table with them.
Resize rows and columns
You can change the width of specific columns and the height of specific rows in a table.
Click the table.
Do any of the following:
Manually resize: Move your pointer over the right edge of the lettered bar for the column you want to resize, or over the bottom of the numbered bar for the row, until you see
, then drag to resize.
To resize multiple columns or rows at a time, select them first. Move your pointer over the edge of the rightmost lettered bar or the bottommost numbered bar, then drag when you see
. They are resized proportionally to each other. To resize them to be the same size, Option-drag.
Resize precisely: Click a cell in the row or column you want to change. In the Table pane of the Format inspector, click the disclosure triangle next to Row & Column Size, then use the arrows to specify the size you want.
The entire row or column is resized. Selecting cells from more than one row or column resizes all of the rows or columns included in the selection.
Shrink a row or column to fit its contents: Control-click the row number or column letter, then choose Fit Height to Content or Fit Width to Content.
You can also click Fit in the Table pane of the Format inspector, in the Row & Column Size section.
Make all rows the same height or columns the same width: Select the table, then choose Format > Table > Distribute Rows Evenly or Format > Table > Distribute Columns Evenly (from the Format menu at the top of your computer screen).
Make several rows the same height or several columns the same width: Select a row or column, then Command-click the other rows or columns. Choose Format > Table > Distribute Rows Evenly or Format > Table > Distribute Columns Evenly (from the Format menu at the top of your computer screen).
To resize all rows or columns in a table, select the table, then drag a selection handle (a white square).
Add and remove headers and footers
Adding header rows, header columns, and footer rows converts existing rows and columns into headers or footers. For example, if you have data in the first row of a table and you add a header row, the first row is converted to a header using the same data. Data in header cells isn’t included in charts or formulas.
Click the table.
In the Table pane of the Format inspector, choose the number of header rows, header columns, and footer rows you want from the Headers & Footer pop-up menus.
Repeat header rows on multiple pages
Click the header row.
Move the pointer over the row number on the left, then click the small arrow that appears.
Choose Repeat Header Rows on Each Page.