Sort data in a table
You can sort column data alphabetically or by increasing or decreasing values. When you sort by column, the rows of the table are reorganized accordingly.
Text in column headers and footers isn’t included in the sort.
Sort data
Click the table, move the pointer over the bar at the top of the column, then click the arrow that appears.
Choose a sorting option:
Sort Ascending: Sorts the data in alphabetical order (A to Z) or by increasing numerical values.
Sort Descending: Sorts the data in reverse-alphabetical order (Z to A) or by decreasing numerical values.
In columns containing both text and numbers, ascending order sorts by numbers before text (for example, 1a, 1b, 2a, a1, b1). Ascending order also places Boolean (true/false) cells after cells sorted alphabetically or numerically, and places blank cells at the bottom of the column.