Change the look of text
You can change how text looks by changing its font, color, character style (bold or italic, for example) or size; by applying effects such as a shadow or outline; and more.
Change text appearance
Select the text you want to change.
In the Text pane of the Format inspector, click Style.
Use the controls in the Font section to make your changes (see the figure above).
Modify capitalization
You can quickly make blocks of text all uppercase or lowercase, or format text as a title.
Select the text you want to change, or click where you want to type new text.
In the Text pane of the Format inspector, click Style.
In the Font section, click , then choose an option from the Capitalization pop-up menu:
None: The text is left as you entered it, with no changes.
All Caps: All text is capitalized at the same height.
Small Caps: All text is capitalized with larger capitals for uppercase letters.
Title Case: The first letter of each word is capitalized.
Add color behind text
You can add a color behind text to make it stand out (highlight it).
Note: If you want to highlight text for reviewers and include it in change tracking, use the review tools instead. Highlights added using the review tools or by choosing Insert > Highlight (from the Insert menu at the top of your computer screen) don’t appear in printed documents.
Select the text you want to edit.
In the Text pane of the Format inspector, click Style.
In the Font section, click , then choose a color from either the Character Fill Color well or the color wheel.
To remove the color, select the text, then choose the swatch at the bottom-right corner of the Character Fill Color well that has a diagonal line through it.
Tip: You can add these buttons to the toolbar: Superscript, Subscript, Fonts, and Colors. You can also add buttons to make selected text bigger or smaller.