Add a table of contents
Pages can generate an automatically updating table of contents (TOC) for your document. Table of contents entries are links, so clicking one takes a reader directly to the page.
Some Pages templates already include a table of contents, which you can edit. You can also add a table of contents, then edit it to specify which parts of the document you want it to include.
To automatically generate a table of contents, you need to first apply paragraph styles to the items you want to appear in the table of contents.
Generate a table of contents
Place the pointer where you want the table of contents to appear.
Choose Insert > Table of Contents (from the Insert menu at the top of your computer screen), then choose an option:
Document: Gathers entries from the entire document.
Section: Gathers entries from only the section where you’re inserting the table of contents.
To Next Occurrence: Gathers entries between this table of contents and the next table of contents if, for example, your document includes a TOC for each section.
In the Table of Contents pane of the Format inspector, select the paragraph styles you want to include.
To change the appearance of the text in the table of contents, select the table of contents, click Text, then use the controls to make the changes you want.
Delete a table of contents
Click the table of contents to show its boundary box.
Click just below the boundary box, then drag up until a thick, blue outline appears around the table of contents.
Press Delete.