Customize the toolbar
The toolbar at the top of the Pages window gives you quick access to the tools you need and the actions you perform as you work in Pages. You can add, remove, and rearrange toolbar buttons.
Tip: Pages (like other apps) has a menu bar above the Pages window, at the top of the computer screen. Some toolbar buttons have the same name as menu bar items. If you don’t see the options you’re looking for when you click a toolbar button, click the menu with the same name. Menus often have more options.
Add and remove toolbar buttons
Choose View > Customize Toolbar (from the View menu at the top of your computer screen).
Do any of the following:
Add or remove items from the toolbar: Drag an item to the toolbar to add it. Drag an item away from the toolbar to remove it.
Rearrange items in the toolbar: Drag an item to reorder it.
The Format and Document buttons move together and can’t be separated.
Reset the toolbar: To restore the toolbar to its default setting, drag the set at the bottom of the window to the toolbar.
Remove button names: Choose Icon Only from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the window. By default, buttons are shown with their names.
Click Done.
You can also hide the toolbar by choosing View > Hide Toolbar (from the View menu at the top of your computer screen); to show it again, choose View > Show Toolbar.