Locate a document

If you’re not sure where you saved a document, here are some quick ways to find it.

Locate a document on iCloud or on your Mac

  • Do any of the following:

    • If you opened the file recently: Open Pages, choose File > Open Recent (from the File menu at the top of your computer screen), then choose the document. Pages shows the last ten documents you opened.

    • If you know the document title: Open Pages, choose File > Open (from the File menu at the top of your computer screen), then enter all or part of the title in the search field. Click All, iCloud, or On My Mac to focus the search. When you locate the document, double-click it to open it.

      Tip: To see where the file is saved on your Mac, select the document; the file path to its location is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. There’s no file path for a document saved on iCloud because iCloud documents aren’t stored on your computer.

    • If you don’t know the title, or you want to search email attachments and document content: Click the Spotlight icon in the menu bar in the top-right corner of your computer screen (it looks like a magnifying glass), then enter one or more words from the title or from the document content. In the search results, move the pointer over an item to see a preview of it. To open the document, click it. To see where it’s located on your computer, Command-click the document.